3 Things You Can Do to Sell Your Home for a Better Price in Denver

by | Apr 20, 2021 | Real Estate

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When it comes to selling a home in Denver, the general rule of thumb is that you should expect to sell for less if you’re in a hurry. Conversely, you can hold out for a higher price if you’re more patient. There are a few things you can do to give your sale price a little boost while selling a home in Denver.

Listen to Your Agent

Remember that you hired your agent for a reason, so it only makes sense to listen to their suggestions. They will probably make suggestions that won’t cost you much money or time. For example, they may recommend cleaning up the yard, pressure washing the patio, or making minor repairs inside the home. They have a good reason for making these suggestions, which is why it will benefit you to follow through with them.

Choose a Fair Price

While you can choose a higher sale price for your home, you should still stay within a reasonable range of the home’s assessed value. Going too far outside of that range can chase away buyers and raise the suspicion of lenders. Choosing a price at the higher end of the property’s market value will give you some wiggle room to negotiate without forcing you to go too low.

Wait for a Seller’s Market

Before you list your home, discuss your plans with a real estate agent. They know how to read the market and determine the best time for selling a home in Denver. The agent’s insight will help you sell when values are higher and homes are in greater demand.

Jordan Terrell Group can help you get the most value out of your home when you visit them online at https://jordanterrellgroup.com.